division of powers; respectiveindependenceofthelegislature, theexecutive, andthejudicature.
Theprincipleofseparation of powershadalreadybeengivenafairtrialinmoststateconstitutionsandhadprovedsound.웹 검색 예문소리듣기권력분립의원칙은이미대부분의주헌법에서잘시행되어건전하다는것이증명되었다.
The Constitutional Principles Enhanced by the Early United States Supreme Court's Cases : Judicial Review, Separation of Powers, and National SupremacyRISS소리듣기미 초기 연방대법원 판례에 의한 헌법원칙 강화 - 사법심사권, 권력분립 및 연방우위원칙 -
Thecorruptingofourpolitical lifehadbecomealivingnightmare; nothingwasexemptseparation of powers, civilliberties, therule of law, therelationshipofchurch and state.TED소리듣기정치적생활의부패는살아있는악몽이됐습니다. 아무것도예외가될수없었죠. 권력분립, 시민의자유, 종교와국가의분리.
S?paration des pouvoirs ? la Constitution Europ?enneRISS소리듣기유럽헌법상의 권력분립원칙
A Study on the Interpretation of Separation of Powers -Focusing on Debate in the U.S.RISS소리듣기권력분립 해석론에 관한 연구