On the Semantic Field and the Dimensions of the Syntactic Structure "도+NP+료"RISS소리듣기담"도+NP+료"구식순서의장급기향도
The Study of Differences of ‘도’ and ‘전’ and Cognitive ModelsRISS소리듣기범위부사“도”여“전”적차이급기인지이거
The Way[도] as Cultural Contents: Focused on Camino De Santiago and OlleRISS소리듣기‘카미노’와 ‘올레’를 중심으로 본 문화콘텐츠로서의 길[도]
A Study on Distributive Characteristics of Korean Special Particle ‘Do(도)’ in Comparison to its Mongolian Counterpart ‘ч(Č)’RISS소리듣기한국어 특수조사 ‘도’와 몽골어 대응표현 ‘ч’의 분포 비교 연구