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  • potassium nitrate


potassium nitrate.


다음사전 앱
  • It had three chemicals we were really surprised to see. Sulfur, potassium nitrate and charcoal. TED 소리듣기 우리 정말 놀라게 가지 화학물 들어있었. 화학물 , 질산 칼륨, 이었어요.
  • A Study on the Formation Mechanism of Ammonium Nitrate - Potassium Nitrate Solid Solutions by the Solute Clustering Process RISS 소리듣기 학술발표회 초록 ( 분체공학 (Ⅰ) ) : 분자군 형성에 의한 질산암모늄 - 질산칼륨 고용체의 특성 연구
  • Effects of the crystallization on the characteristics of Ammonium nitrate - Potassium nitrate solid solutions RISS 소리듣기 학술발표회 초록 ( 재료 (Ⅱ) ) : 결정화 방법에 따른 질산암모늄 - 질산칼륨 고용체의 특성
  • You know, I started off with little tiny amounts of potassium nitrate and sugar, which was readily available, and I mixed it in different proportions, and I tried to light it on fire. TED 소리듣기 일단 굉장히 소량 질산칼륨 설탕혼합물 가열했는, 구하기 쉬웠고, 그래서 비율들 각각 다르게 혼합하여 혼합물들 붙였습니다.
  • And like But then it wasn't they didn't have any, but the guy had I said, what kind of salts of potassium do you have? You know. TED 소리듣기 하지만 약국 그런 약품 없다고 해서 그럼 소금이나, 칼륨 종류 있어요? 라고 물으니 질산 있다고 하더군요.

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