The Relief Effect of Copayment Decreasing Policy on Unmet Needs in Targeted DiseasesRISS소리듣기산정특례제도가 미충족 의료경험에 미치는 영향
Trends and its Policy Implications of Copayment System on Office-Based Medical Care during the Last Decade in KoreaRISS소리듣기의원 외래 본인부담정액제의 변천과 정책적 함의
The Analysis on the Cost Sharing System in Korean Medicaid: Copayment or CoinsuranceRISS소리듣기의료급여 본인부담제도의 분석: 정액부담과 정률부담의 후생효과, 머리말: 의료급여 본인부담제도의 분석
The Effect of Tiered Copayment System on Pharmacy Benefit Expenditure of National Health Insurance in Korea : Scenario Analysis based on the Use of Oral Antidiabetic MedicationsRISS소리듣기선택약가제도가 건강보험 약품비 지출에 미치는 영향
As ofJan. 1, employeeswillpaya $40 copaymentonbrand-nameprescriptiondrugsifgenericversionsareavailable.(→copayment)소리듣기1월 1일자로, 직원들은일반명의약품이이용가능한경우에는상표명처방의약품에대해 40달러의추가비용을지불하게된다.