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사전 본문

  • 1.suffer from a heavy frost
  • 2.receive a bitter blow
  • 3.be hard hit


suffer from a heavy frost; [타격받] receive a bitter blow; be hard[severely] hitby》; take a stiff beating; be severely affectedby》; suffer heavily.

  • Pickpockets were hard hit by a police roundup. 듣기

    소매치기들 경찰의 일제 검거 된서리 맞았다


다음사전 앱
  • Pickpockets were hard hit by a police roundup. 소리듣기 소매치기들 경찰의 일제 검거 된서리 맞았다 (→된서리 맞다)
  • The cotton industry was seriously affected by inflation. 소리듣기 면직물업계 인플레이션으로 된서리 맞았다 (→된서리 맞다)
  • The league secretariat will also hand down more severe penalties for players who get caught with a DUI. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 한편 미국프로야구 선수들 음주운전 적발될 경우 앞으로 된서리 맞게 으로 보인다.

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