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사전 본문

  • settlement



다음사전 앱
  • Since I was his guarantor, I was made to clean up his debts for him. 소리듣기 보증인이었으니 뒷수습 하지 않을 없었다 (→뒷수습)
  • I'm not going to make up for your mistakes[cover up your blunders/clean up your mess for you]. 소리듣기 잘못 뒷수습 안하겠다 (→뒷수습)
  • settle an affair. 소리듣기 사건 뒷수습 하다 (→뒷수습)
  • However, a nuclear plant exploded in Japan, which is one of the most developed countries in the area. Moreover, little progress has been made in terms of restoration, even two years after the accident Edu times 소리듣기 하지만, 지역에서 가장 발달한 선진국 중의 하나 일본에서 원전 폭발하고 말았다. 아니라, 사고 뒷수습 2년이 지난 지금에도 진전 없다

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