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사전 본문

  • 1.an oil cup for a lamp
  • 2.a lamp-oil container



다음사전 앱
  • The old man stared after the streakers, round-eyed with amazement. 소리듣기 노인 스트리킹 하는 남자들 보고서 등잔해졌다 (→눈을 피하다)
  • When the parrot began to sing, the children stared at it in round-eyed wonder. 소리듣기 앵무새 노래하기 시작하자 아이들 등잔해졌다 (→눈을 피하다)
  • He was all eyeballs. 소리듣기 등잔해졌다 (→눈을 피하다)
  • The beacon does not shine on its own base./At the foot of the candle it is dark./One has to go abroad to get news of home. 소리듣기 속담등잔 어둡다 (→등잔)
  • Their eyes were popping with amazement. 소리듣기 그들 깜짝 놀라 등잔해졌다 (→눈을 피하다)

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