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사전 본문

  • 1.use of words
  • 2.wording
  • 3.expression



다음사전 앱
  • I knew he was an out-of-towner by his accent. 소리듣기 말씨 고장 사람 아니라는 알았다 (→말씨)
  • I felt a strong drive in that soft-spoken man. 소리듣기 말씨 부드러운 남자에게서 강한 기백 깃들어 있음 느꼈다 (→기백)
  • He speaks in an unaffected way./His way of speaking is quite simple. 소리듣기 말씨 순박하다 (→순박)
  • watch one's language. 소리듣기 말씨 조심하다 (→말씨)
  • Her polite words contrasted strikingly with her uncivil manner./Her polite words and her disagreeable manner were in striking contrast. 소리듣기 공손한 말씨와는 대조적으로 그녀 태도 매우 난폭했다 (→대조)

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