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사전 본문

  • 1.cannot help
  • 2.cannot but
  • 3.be compelled to


cannot helpdoing》; cannot butdo》; be compelled[forced/obliged] todo》; be under the necessity ofdoing》.

  • If you recommend it so strongly, I'll have to buy it. 듣기

    그렇게 강력히 권한다면 내가 사지 않을 없지


다음사전 앱
  • The police chief was obliged to take decisive steps to suppress the mob. 소리듣기 경찰 서장 폭도 진압 관해서 용단 내리지 않을 없었다 (→용단)
  • I was obliged to help them just because I happened to be there. 소리듣기 마침 내가 있었기 때문 그들 돕지 않을 없는 처지 있었다 (→처지)
  • Since I was his guarantor, I was made to clean up his debts for him. 소리듣기 보증인이었으니 뒷수습 하지 않을 없었다 (→뒷수습)
  • While we admit his good intentions, we must say that his methods were inappropriate. 소리듣기 우리 선의 인정하지만 동시 방법 서툴렀음을 말하지 않을 없다 (→동시)
  • I had to decline the offer on account of complicated circumstances. 소리듣기 복잡한 사정 있어 제의 거절하지 않을 없었다 (→복잡하다)

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