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사전 본문

  • 1.the original state
  • 2.the former condition
  • 3.the status quo



  • He poured all his energy into putting[He almost forgot to eat or sleep in trying to put] the company back on its feet. 소리듣기 침식 잊고 회사 원상 회복 있는 쏟았다 (→침식)
  • He can never again be his former self after such a traumatic experience. 소리듣기 이러 충격적 경험 하고 원상대로 회복될 없겠다 (→원상)
  • restore a damaged sculpture to its former state. 소리듣기 손상된 조각 원상회복하다 (→원상)
  • It will take the ruined town ten years to return to its original condition. 소리듣기 파괴된 시가 원상으로 회복되기까지는 10년은 걸릴 이다 (→원상)
  • Won-sang: Wow, this new bakery is very nice. Kids Edu times 소리듣기 원상 : , 새로운 제과점 정말 좋다.