최근 검색어가 없습니다.
[복종시키는 힘] power; might; influence; authority.
make a show of one's power/make a display of one's influence. 듣기
위세를 보이다
He is gaining influence[《美口》 clout] in financial circles. 듣기
그는 재계에서 위세를 떨치고 있다
I was overwhelmed by his authority that I couldn't say a word. 듣기
그의 위세에 눌려 말 한마디 못했다
[위엄 있는 기세] high spirits; dash.
high-spirited/full of high spirits/gallant/dashing/spanking. 듣기
위세 당당한
We plucked up our spirits and set out. 듣기
우리는 위세 당당히 떠났다
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