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사전 본문

  • 1.cannot help doing
  • 2.cannot but do
  • 3.cannot help but do


cannot help doing; cannot but do; (Am. E.) cannot help but do; be obliged[compelled] todo》.

  • be compelled to resign one's post. 듣기

    사직하지 않을 없게 되다


다음사전 앱
  • Since I was his guarantor, I was made to clean up his debts for him. 소리듣기 보증인이었으니 뒷수습 하지 않을 없었다 (→뒷수습)
  • We had to have recourse to[resort to] arms. 소리듣기 우리 무력으로 하지 않을 없었다 (→으로)
  • I was obliged to give up the idea of entering a university. 소리듣기 대학 입학 단념[포기]하지 않을 없었다 (→않을 수 없다)
  • He thought of her every second, every minute, every hour. TED 소리듣기 그녀 생각 잠시 하지 않을 없었습니다.
  • So perfectly organized a structure, it was hard not to attribute divinity to it. TED 소리듣기 구조 완벽하게 짜여있어 신의 작품이라 하지 않을 없습니다.

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